Samira i Denmark

Samira aus Wien hat 10 Monate Dansk ICYE in Aarhus, Dänemark unterstützt. Ihre Erfahrungen teilt sie in ihrem Blog:“Overall, doing my EVS at the ICYE Denmark office in Aarhus was a really great experience that I would absolutely not want to miss! For these 10 months, I became part of a lovely team who are incredibly welcoming, fun, and professional, and I got to experience and learn so much.Not only did I have the opportunity to put some of my knowledge and skills to good, practical use, but I was also able to acquire new skills and competences. I learned about European youth work and exchange programs, got to know new computer programs, practiced both my spoken and written English further and learned some basic Danish. I also got an insight into bookkeeping, and what a working routine at an office is like, and, maybe most importantly, I was able to experience how valuable a pleasant work environment and good team of colleagues are.“

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