Projektbericht – Diverse Present, Elaborated Future


“I gained experience in youth work with young people from different backgrounds. I discover the importance of body language when making a sustaining contact. I strengthened socials skills and gained more insight in young´s people life. I haven´t developed concrete plans for my future but understood recently I want to keep on working with young people.”

“Although I had some difficult moments, I always understood that my EVS in Austria was the right choice and interesting all the way. I would recommend my project and my EVS in Vienna to others!”

(feedback of the volunteers)

Venue: Vienna Hosting Organizations: Caritas WG Refugio and Caritas *peppa – (Intercultural Girls Centre)

Sending Organizations: Basak Kultur ve Sanat Vakfi (BSV) from Turkey and JOETZ vzw from Belgium

Involved Volunteers: Merve Dülger and Sara Therry

Within  Diverse Present, Elaborated Future – international volunteers supporting Caritas projects– two EVS volunteers coming from Turkey and Belgium were involved in two caritas projects. Both host organizations are working in the social field to promote inclusion and participation of people from marginalized groups/with migrant backgrounds in an open society. During the period of 12 months, the volunteers had the chance to develop their volunteering projects in Vienna, a European Capital, where they had the opportunity to have a working experience abroad while they were living in a foreign country, getting to know a new culture, people and language.

The project was part of the MELANGE program, the EVS programme in Vienna strongly supported by the city of Vienna/wienXtra where Grenzenlos set up networks for volunteers and international partners and host partners and volunteers receive special support.

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