Projektbericht – Grow together, learn together

“Man kann nur gewinnen! Die beste Möglichkeit ins Ausland zu gehen, eine Fremdsprache zu lernen, neue Freunde zu finden, neue Kulturen kennen zu lernen.”


“I was not expecting something but was surprised by all the things I´ve learned.”


“I think I became a better person this year being open minded and raising my skills working with kids. I know now that happiness is regardless studies but more connected with people. I will recommend EVS to the people who are ready to discover themselves.”

(feedback of the volunteers)

Venue: Vienna      Hosting Organizations: Freie Schule Ätsch, Kinderhort Kiriku, StudentInnenkinderhort Sending Organizations: Messzelátó EgyesületHungary, Bureau Information Jeunesse France, JugendLeben UG Germany Involved Volunteers: Carolin Esche, Betty Latouche, Bianka Garay

Within the project “Grow together learn together” 2 private after school care institutions  and 1 private school were connceted in Vienna and hosted 3 EVS volunteers. Through the cooperation within the project the connection between the EVS volunteers as well as within the child care institutions in connection with an alternative school were fostered.

The main objectives for all involved organizations were:


+ get new inputs on how to involve EVS volunteers

+ broaden the organisational horizon

+ receive intercultural and foreign language input through hosting an European volunteer

+ Stregthen partnerships through a concrete EVS activity

+ to strengthen partnerships among the involved organisations

+create a joyful learning space for children and volunteers

+ support and give recognition to child care institutions

+promote volunteering as an added value within society


The project was part of the MELANGE program, the EVS programme in Vienna strongly supported by the city of Vienna/wienXtra where Grenzenlos set up networks for volunteers and international partners and host partners and volunteers receive special support.

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inklusives Programm - Freiwillige mit Behinderungen willkommen - Grenzenlos