YOUth support



“Last years of studies I spent in Belgrade, so after EVS volunteering in Wien as a town gave me such an outstanding experience as an environment where things are functioning well. The emotions regarding to Vienna I will keep with me and pack in my suitcase.”

„EVS is the perfect way to gain experiences after studies, it helps to become more independant and open-minded.“

“I´m happy to go back but also sad to leave this city and new friends”

“It was a very surprising gift. I will never forget it!”

(feedback of the volunteers)



Venue: Vienna  Hosting Organizations: Potenzial Jugend, *peppa – Interkulturelles Mädchenzentrum, KOMIT, magdas Hotel Sending Organizations: Concordia France, APD-ZID Montenegro, Centro Xuvenil Abertal Spain, European Village Greece, COCAT Spain Involved Volunteers: Itana Cupic, Joanna Derouault, Fátima Fuentes Castro, Lucia Stavrakaki , Jose Hernandez

Within the project “ YOUth support – international volunteers supporting social projects in Vienna” 4 different social institutions working with less privileged people hosted 5 EVS volunteers.

KOMIT is a living place for disabled clients, Potenzial Jugend is a job and supervison training center for disadvandaged youngsters who try to find their way into the job market magdas HOTEL is a Caritas hotel run by refugees and *Peppa is a Caritas center specialized on activities for girls aged between 10-20 years.

The main objectives for all involved organizations were:

+ get new inputs and broaden the organisational horizon

+ receive intercultural and foreign language input through hosting an European volunteer

+ Stregthen partnerships through a concrete EVS activity

+ to strengthen partnerships among the involved organisations

+ support and give recognition to socila institutions working with less privileged clients

+promote volunteering as an added value within society

The project was part of the MELANGE program, the EVS programme in Vienna strongly supported by the city of Vienna/wienXtra where Grenzenlos set up networks for volunteers and international partners and host partners and volunteers receive special support.

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