Bericht Big Hands helping Little Hands


Big hands helping little hands


“I´m taking home with me more courage, independency, self confidence, new language skills  and more friends.”

 “EVS is recommended a lot because you just grow so fast, you discover and learn so much abouth things and about you, and you don´t have to care about nothing almost, you just have to go!”

(feedback of the volunteers)

Venue: Vienna  Hosting Organizations: Kindergruppe Amerlinghaus Kindergarten BOKU, Kindergruppe Farbklecks, Kindergruppe Butterbrot, Kindergruppe Teddybär Sending Organizations: Fekete Sereg Hungary, Allanssi Finland, EstYes Estonia, Concordia France and Citizen in Action Greece Involved Volunteers: Anna Matilda Erikkilä, Kirke-Stina Kippel, Flore Pineau, Nikolett Toki, Serifat Adekunmbi Aderemi

Within “Big hands help little hands” volunteers were involved in activities in private child care institutions in Vienna. During the period of 10 months, 5 EVS volunteers had the chance to develop their volunteering projects in Vienna, a European Capital, where they had the opportunity to have a working experience abroad while they were living in a foreign country, getting to know a new culture, people and language.

Objectives of the project promoted active citizenship as well as solidarity and tolerance promotion development among youngsters in order to foster social cohesion in the EU.

This project addressed several needs: the need of young/adults to gain intercultural and social experience in foreign countries within the EU; the need of having respect and tolerance for different cultures, social and economic backgrounds, concerning the clients of the hosting organizations, (also) the needs of children to broaden their horizon concerning interculturality and respect

The project was part of the MELANGE program, the EVS programme in Vienna strongly supported by the city of Vienna/wienXtra where Grenzenlos set up networks for volunteers and international partners and host partners and volunteers receive special support.

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inklusives Programm - Freiwillige mit Behinderungen willkommen - Grenzenlos