Visit the Hundertwasserhaus – 23.04.2016

Dear Volunteers and Friends of Grenzenlos,


On Saturday the 23rd of April we will have our next activity. We will visit one of the most famous buildings in Vienna, designed by

Friedensreich Hundertwasser/Friedrich Stowasser.


It is situated in the beautiful 3rd. We will have a nice walk to the house and have a look at it from the outside (due to the circumstance that people live in the house we cannot go inside)

In the groundfloor there is a cafe wher we can have a video tour through the house. Close to it is the museum KunstHaus where they have a Hunderwasser-Exhibition as well.


When: Saturday 23rd of April at 14:00

Where: Wien Mitte (underground station) – In Front of the Entrance to “The Mall”


We are looking forward to see you there,


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inklusives Programm - Freiwillige mit Behinderungen willkommen - Grenzenlos