EVS in Vienna – Three Vacancies

Interested in Volunteering in Vienna, Austria?
We have three vancancies for granted projects starting on 05.01.2019

1) CoLearning Vienna
Homeschooling project
Open for youngsters residing in Italy
05.01.2019-30.10.2019 (10 months)

2) Potential Youth
Integration of youngsters with special needs in the labour market
Open for youngsters residing in Denmark
05.01.2019-04.07.2019 (6 months)

2) Wohnheim St. Martin
Support of adults with disabilities
Open for youngsters residing in Estonia
05.01.2019-04.0.2020 (12 months)

Application Deadline: 31.08.2018
How to apply

** Please use our application form **
FAQ about volunteering in Vienna

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