ESC Volunteering in the Humanitarian Aid

General information

The ESC (European Solidarity Corps) Voluntary Service in the field of humanitarian aid is a cross-border volunteering programme for young people aged 18 to 35 who are interested in volunteering in countries outside the EU affected by humanitarian crises. The aim is to contribute to strengthening local capacities and the resilience of vulnerable or disaster affected communities by engaging young European volunteers in relief, rehabilitation and sustainable development activities.   

This is a great opportunity to engage as an active citizen, show solidarity to people in countries outside of the EU who have faced humanitarian disasters or need to increase their preparedness to possible disasters in the future, while learning new skills, cultures and ways of life.

All young people, regardless of their background or current situation, are welcome to participate in the project. Our aim is to include as many participants as possible who face economic, cultural, social, physical or other barriers or are otherwise disadvantaged.

As the program is funded by the European Union, participation is free of charge. Accommodation, meals, pocket money, insurance, language course and possibly visa costs are organized and paid for. There is a lump sum for travelling to and from the program. In individual cases there may be a small deductible.

To ensure a successful and safe stay abroad, participants receive comprehensive preparation before departure and on arrival, a language course, further seminars and continuous support (before and during the stay) and follow-up after their return. 

Grenzenlos is offering two project collaborations for 2024 and 2025 and here you can find the information about the duration, start of the activity, countries, detail information about the placement, application steps and much more.

ECHAV – Humanitarian Aid 2024 und 2025SASID – Humanitarian Aid 2024 und 2025
  • Individual volunteering: min. of 2 months and a max. of 12 months.

  • Group volunteering: 2 weeks to 2 months

Where to? Jordanian, Kenya and Nigeria

Working areas:

Jordanian: Reception and Integration of migrants and refugees – Health and Wellbeing – Education and Training – Working against Discrimination

Nigeria: Education and raining – Environment and natural protection – Health and Wellbeing – Disaster Prevention and Recovery – Working against Discrimination.

Kenya: Social Challenges –– Education and Training – Environment and Natural Protection – Nutrition and Agriculture
The 2024 application process is over. Detail information for 2025 will be updated soon! Contact us for more Information.
Duration: 10 Monaths

Where to? Brasilien, Ghana, Nigeria, Vietnam

Start: either in September 2024 or in September 2025.

Working areas:

Brazil: Environmental Awareness – Community Work – Intercultural Awareness

Ghana: Health Care – Community Support – Capacity Building – Language Support – Youth Work

Nigeria: Health Care – Environmental Conservation – Administration Work – Community work – Education

Vietnam: Community Work – Environmental Management – Nutrition – Working with Children and Youth – Educational Workshops

Here you can find more detailed information on the project, local work and application steps

You can also find more countries and projects of Humanitarian Aid Volunteering here:

humanitarian aid

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