Bericht – Benjamin Ankunft – Wien

First days of EVS
I arrived from Slovenia to Vienna on Sunday 1sth of May. My parents drove me and our trip took us only four hours.
I must say, that first fourteen days were very long and dificult for me, because everything was new for me. But very soon I began to meet a new people, to get accustomed to my acomodation and to work and to local customs and in my case on my personal assisstance. But every start is hard.
And despite of my handicap I am very strong pearson and I know what I want, except when becam to girls i became confused. : )
So I am very happy that i came to a foreign country as a EVS volunteer, because I looked for this almost 4 years, and one of my bigest dreams is to live and work in a big city in abroad. And as an EVS volunter i will realize one part of my dreams for 6 months. I searched my Evs everywhere in EU, and in the end I found it here, in Vienna called ‚‘‘Wiener Schnitzel und Wiener Wurst Land‘‘ and other fast food which is delicious, but not good for my body. And I will stay in Vienna over the Summer, which is my favorite part of the year, because it is sunny and you can see a lot of interestiing things.
I am very thankful to organization Grenzenlos,…‘‘where is a lot of coffee and water. Hehe Joke : ) …‘‘
Because they give me this oportunity. The whole team of Grenzenlos are very nice and understanding and with a lot of good mood !
I work in their office and I`m helping them with administration works, doing pictures on my computer and supporting the team. I try to speak and learn German and I must practice my conversation with Austrian people and I will know better.
I´m looking forward to my experience!
Beno Hribernik

Beno with the Grenzenlos-Team

Beno with the Grenzenlos-Team

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inklusives Programm - Freiwillige mit Behinderungen willkommen - Grenzenlos