On EVS project on my half time way !
Uff…Where should i start! I love EVS, because via EVS i see positive and negative thinggs of living in another European country. And this things will be important for me, whenIi go to live in my own apartment in Slovenia .
The most positive thing for me is, that I succeed to come here. After almost 1,5 months here i started to meeting other people and made new friends. Most of the people (not all), when they start to notice difficulties to hear and to speak clearly, they start avoiding me. Because of that I must always continue moving and searching for new contacts, and in the past I didn’t have problems with this. Via EVS I will also find new solutions and answers.
I also started to explore Wien atractions, but I didn’t finish yet! I also explore Austria, and Ialso didn’t finished, I have still a lot of plans to see a lot of things.
On my work I am a hard-working boy – I think so
I didnt have problems with work because I have order in my life, and I like work what I can.